Fri 24 Nov | Yellow House, Sydney | 7pm PREVIEW NIGHT
Sat 25 Nov | Blackheath Uniting Church | 3pm
Tues 28 Nov | Hobart Town Hall | 7.30pm
Wed 29 Nov | Deakin Edge, Melbourne | 7.30pm
Thurs 30 Nov | Newcastle Conservatorium | 7pm
Sat 2 Dec | St James' Church, Sydney | 7.30pm
Tue 5 Dec | Berry Uniting Church Hall | 2pm
Thurs 7 Dec | The Cathedral of St Stephen, Brisbane | 7.30pm
Sat 9 Dec | Wesley Uniting Church, Canberra | 7pm
Sun 10 Dec | Wollongong Art Gallery | 3pm
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The final program in the 2017 season The Attraction of Opposites is set within the narrative framework of mediaeval English verse, with seasonal music old and new that touches both on the joy of a young mother giving birth to the King of the Ages, and on the hard-hitting realities of exile, refugee status, and the ‘slaughter of the innocents’. The ‘Coventry Carol’ Lully, lulla is one of three songs (transcribed, arranged, or composed by Thomas Mawdycke in 1591) from the Shearmen and Tailors’ Pageant and is justly famous for its chillingly evocative tale of Herod’s rage. Woven into The Song Company’s telling of the story are new Australian and English carols, as well as a Gloria in excelsis from the first part of the 15th century with upbeat syncopations and happy harmonies that could have been written yesterday.