12th-century Magister Pérotin’s polyphony vs. the metal strings of The Omnific
Pérotin Beata viscera
The Omnific Kismet
The Omnific Objets de Vertu
Pérotin Viderunt omnes
Our singers join forces with the rising bass guitar duo, Matthew Fackrell & Toby Peterson-Stewart from Melbourne metal band The Omnific for a resonant mix of plainchant, dynamic basslines, and 12th-century organum. A collaboration across genres with a uniting interest in the deep resonances of vocal cords, struck strings, and powerful harmonies. A cluster of rising stars from Melbourne, The Omnific has already made a name for their unique rhythmic interplay and wordless metallic fantasias. The Omnific’s two five-string bass guitarists’ classic duo Kismet and other works are interleaved with multi-voice chanting and improvisation from the male voices of The Song Company in music from Magister Pérotin’s masterpiece Viderunt omnesand its late 12th-century inspirations, echoed by a high soprano in his most haunting of songs, Beata viscera.
Details and tickets here.