Amongst all of Bach’s wonderful output, his more than 200 cantatas stand out as one of the greatest musical achievements of the human race. The vast majority of these masterworks are dedicated to the glory of God, but what we are perhaps less aware of is that Bach wrote a small but wonderful collection of cantatas for secular occasions. As few as 20 of these works survive, however they provide a wonderful insight into a composer who approached secular music with the same artistic integrity and demand for quality that we find in his sacred music. We present his much loved Wedding Cantata featuring the Australian soprano Susannah Lawergren, as well as his lesser known but haunting Funeral Cantata BWV 198. Artistic Director Madeleine Easton will then perform Bach’s reconstructed Violin Concerto in D major BWV 1053, finally ending with his marvellous satirical comedy, the Coffee Cantata sung by the renowned Australian baritone Simon Lobelson and soprano Chloe Lankshear.
J.S. Bach Cantata ‘Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten’ Wedding Cantata BWV 202
J.S. Bach Cantata ‘Laß Fürstin laß noch einen Strahl’ Funeral Cantata BWV 198
—— interval ——
J.S. Bach Violin Concerto in D major BWV 1053
J.S. Bach Cantata 'Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht’ Coffee Cantata BWV 211
Friday & Saturday 27-28 August, The Cell Block Theatre, National Arts School, cnr Burton St & Forbes St, Darlinghurst
Sunday 29 August, Church of Holy Name Parish, Wahroonga