Voces8 Foundation / LIVE From London
I am thrilled to be joining Voces8 and The VOCES8 Foundation Choir for this LIVE From London project next week – featuring the music of Christopher Tin, Caroline Shaw, Eric Whitacre, and a new adaptation of 'The Lark Ascending' to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Ralph Vaughan Williams. It will be available for broadcast from 15 October.
It was a moment of extraordinary serendipity that the project fitted so neatly alongside personal travel plans in Europe (UK, Ireland, Spain, Andorra) to coincide with my Brother's wedding. This will also mark the first time the O'Connor family will be under the same roof in almost three years!
I'm hugely looking forward to working with both new and familiar faces in London – and for a few weeks break after an immensely busy year – with more to come upon my return!